FAR Part 135 Training

A selection of courses to meet Part 135 ground training and testing requirements. Basic indoc (airman and operator-specific), CRM, HazMat, and if applicable, speciality curriculums to match your training program, GOM, and OpSpecs.
FAR Part 125 Training

These programs provide initial and recurrent training to satisfy your training training program and the 14 CFR 125.287 testing requirement. We can supplement courses with guidance from your Flight Operations Manual and OpSpecs.
International Operations Training

Training in general international operations and navigation, communications, and surveillance performance requirements prepares pilots for operations in international airspace and oceanic regions.
IS-BAO/PART 91 Training

Deliver your flight department training program online with a selection of courses for initial and recurrent training in accordance with IS-BAO standards and recommended practices. Can be supplemented with guidance from your Flight Operations Manual.
Air Medical Crewmember Training

Our CAPCE accredited Air Medical Resource Management course and a selection of training for medical crewmembers in air ambulance operations. Whether fixed-wing or helicopter, deliver your essential aviation operations and safety training online.
Aviation Maintenance Safety Training

Designed to introduce personnel to industry standard safety procedures and practices for the work environment. Covers FAA and OSHA requirements, industry best practices, and provides 2 hours of IA renewal credit for Maintenance Human Factors.